Beads and beads and then some beads

Dear Reader, the postman came. I was expecting a shoebox. 

There was a shoebox. To fit a clown’s shoe. And it was inside a considerably bigger box, ingeniously packed with newspaper and squished egg boxes.

My father has never been one for hyperbole, so when he said there was “some bits and pieces’, I assumed thats what would arrive. Shows how much I know.

So, there were pearl-type beds

And there were necklace beads

About 25,  in all. And then there were the bracelets….

And then there bracelts with charms on them

and then there were more natural ones

and even some metal ones

About 100 of them, in fact.

Not to mention some odd earrings, bits and pieces, brooches and even three random lobster clasps!  I think it’s safe to say it was considerably more than I was expecting! So if anyone wants me, I’ll be over in the corner, planning and deconstructing and reconstructing. For the foreseeable future!